Afficheur intelligent avec Solomon SSD1963 : Modules SSD1963 Agrandir l'image

Afficheur intelligent avec contrôleur Solomon SSD1963 : Modules SSD1963 | Riverdi

L'écran dispose de l'interface MCU en standard.

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Caractéristiques pour toutes les références :

  • L'écran dispose de l'interface MCU en standard.
  • Extensions : Inverseur LED
  • Profondeur de couleur : 262K
  • Direction de visualisation : 12:00 heures
  • Contrôleur : Contrôleur graphique SSD1963

Versions disponibles :

Références et spécifications :

Model  Size (inch.) Resolution Brightness (cd/m²) Controller Touch Screen Dot pitch (mm2) Weight (g) Backlight Type Pixel Arrangement Driver IC Surface Treatment Touch Screen Bonding Technology Touch Screen Shape Mounting Frame
RVT4.3A480272CNWN36  4.3" 480×272 550 SSD1963 None 0.066×0.198 57.00 10 LEDs RGB Vertical Stripe HX8257A Anti-glare None None Without Frame
RVT4.3A480272CFWN36 4.3" 480×272 550 SSD1963 None 0.066×0.198 76.00 10 LEDs RGB Vertical Stripe HX8257A Anti-glare None None With Frame
RVT3.5A320240CNWN36  3.5" 320×240 540 SSD1963 None 0.73×0.219 45.00 6 LEDs RGB Vertical Stripe NV3035C Anti-glare None None Without Frame
RVT4.3A480272CNWR36 4.3" 480×272 440 SSD1963 Resisitve 0.066×0.198 72.00 10 LEDs RGB Vertical Stripe HX8257A Anti-glare None None Without Frame
RVT3.5A320240CFWN36 3.5" 320×240 540 SSD1963 None 0.73×0.219 3.3 6 LEDs RGB Vertical Stripe NV3035C Anti-glare None    
RVT4.3A480272CFWR36 4.3" 480×272 440 SSD1963 Resisitve 0.066×0.198 91.00 10 LEDs RGB Vertical Stripe HX8257A Anti-glare None None With Frame
RVT3.5A320240CNWR36 3.5" 320×240 450 SSD1963 Resisitve 0.73×0.219 54.00 6 LEDs RGB Vertical Stripe NV3035C Anti-glare None None Without Frame
RVT3.5A320240CFWR36 3.5" 320×240 450 SSD1963 Resisitve 0.73×0.219 68.00 6 LEDs RGB Vertical Stripe NV3035C Anti-glare None None With Frame
RVT3.5A320240CNWC36 3.5" 320×240 480 SSD1963 Projected Capacitive Touch Panel 0.73×0.219 56.00 6 LEDs RGB Vertical Stripe FT5446 DQS, NV3035C Clear Air Bonding aTouch Without Frame
RVT70AQSNWN36 7.0" 800×480 400 SSD1963 None 0.1926×0.179 168.30 21 LEDs RGB Vertical Stripe HX8264 HX8664 Anti-glare None None Without Frame
RVT4.3A480272CNWC36 4.3" 480×272 500 SSD1963 Projected Capacitive Touch Panel 0.066×0.198 72.00 10 LEDs RGB Vertical Stripe FT5446 DQS, HX8257A Clear Air Bonding aTouch Without Frame
RVT3.5A320240CFWC36 3.5" 320×240 480 SSD1963 Projected Capacitive Touch Panel 0.73×0.219 70.00 6 LEDs RGB Vertical Stripe FT5446 DQS, NV3035C Clear Air Bonding aTouch With Frame
RVT43ULSNWC0x  4.3" 480×272 500 SSD1963 Projected Capacitive Touch Panel 0.066×0.198   10 LEDs RGB Vertical Stripe FT5446 DQS, HX8257A Clear Air Bonding   Without Frame
RVT4.3A480272CFWC36 4.3" 480×272 500 SSD1963 Projected Capacitive Touch Panel 0.066×0.198 91.00 10 LEDs RGB Vertical Stripe FT5446 DQS, HX8257A Clear Air Bonding aTouch With Frame
RVT70AQSFWN36 7.0" 800×480 400 SSD1963 None 0.1926×0.179 209.50 21 LEDs RGB Vertical Stripe HX8264 HX8664 Anti-glare None None With Frame
RVT70AQSNWR36 7.0" 800×480 320 SSD1963 Resisitve 0.1926×0.179 213.50 21 LEDs RGB Vertical Stripe HX8264 HX8664 Anti-glare None   Without Frame
RVT70AQSFWR36 7.0" 800×480 320 SSD1963 Resisitve 0.1926×0.179 254.65 21 LEDs RGB Vertical Stripe HX8264 HX8664 Anti-glare None None With Frame
RVT70AQSNWC36 7.0" 800×480 350 SSD1963 Projected Capacitive Touch Panel 0.1926×0.179 215.80 21 LEDs RGB Vertical Stripe FT5426 DQ8, HX8264 HX8664 Clear Air Bonding aTouch Without Frame
RVT70AQSFWC36 7.0" 800×480 350 SSD1963 Projected Capacitive Touch Panel 0.1926×0.179 257.00 21 LEDs RGB Vertical Stripe FT5426 DQ8, HX8264 HX8664 Clear Air Bonding aTouch Without Frame
RVT70UQSNWC0x 7.0" 800×480 350 SSD1963 Projected Capacitive Touch Panel 0.1926×0.179 240.30 21 LEDs RGB Vertical Stripe FT5426 DQ8, HX8264+HX8664 Clear Air Bonding uxTouch  

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