788265-01 : Module d'alimentation TS-15200 Agrandir l'image

788265-01 : Module d'alimentation TS-15200 | NI - NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS

Alimentation programmable TestScale (6 V, 3 A, 18 W, 1 voie) Procure une alimentation CC programmable pour les applications de test fonctionnel électrique.

Plus de détails



Le module d'alimentation TestScale est équipé d'une alimentation programmable capable de fournir une gamme complète de courants et de tensions, ainsi que d'une fonction de lecture à distance à boucle fermée et de protections contre les surtensions, les surintensités et les surtempératures. Ce module est compatible avec les distributions Linux courantes et peut être intégré aux logiciels NI tels que TestStand, LabVIEW et SystemLink. De plus, il est livré avec le driver NI-DAQmx, qui comprend un exemple de code et prend en charge les langages courants comme Python, C/C++, .NET et LabVIEW.

    • Les conditions typiques d'utilisation sont une température ambiante de 0°C à 55°C, mesurée à l'entrée d'air du ventilateur de l'enceinte.
    • Pour plus d'informations sur les caractéristiques de température ambiante et les exigences de refroidissement, consultez le manuel utilisateur TestScale sur
    • Les spécifications de température pour chaque module individuel sont également disponibles.
    • Un temps de préchauffage de 15 minutes est nécessaire.
    • Toutes les tensions sont relatives à la masse (GND).


Device Capabilities

The TS-15200 is a single-quadrant power supply with one output channel.

DC voltage

Voltage range

6 V

Minimum programmable voltage level/limit

0 V

DC current

Current range

3 A

Minimum programmable current level/limit

0.03 A

Output power

18 W

The following figure illustrates the voltage and the current source capabilities of the TS-15200.

Figure 1.  TS-15200 Quadrant Diagram


Table 5. Voltage Programming Accuracy
Measurement ConditionsGain ErrorOffset ErrorAccuracy at Full Scale[1]
2-year Calibration Interval

(23 °C ± 5 °C)

±0.06% ±1.7 mV ±22.1 mV

(0 °C to 55 °C)

±0.20% ±3.1 mV ±31.9 mV
10-year Calibration Interval

(23 °C ± 5 °C)

±0.08% ±1.8 mV ±23.4 mV

(0 °C to 55 °C)

±0.26% ±3.5 mV ±35.9 mV


Table 5. Voltage Measurement Accuracy
Measurement ConditionsGain ErrorOffset ErrorAccuracy at Full Scale
2-year Calibration Interval

(23 °C ± 5 °C)

±0.04% ±0.6 mV ±3.0 mV

(0 °C to 55 °C)

±0.18% ±2.5 mV ±13.3 mV
10-year Calibration Interval

(23 °C ± 5 °C)

±0.07% ±0.7 mV ±4.9 mV

(0 °C to 55 °C)

±0.24% ±2.9 mV ±17.3 mV


Table 5. Current Programming Accuracy
Measurement ConditionsGain ErrorOffset ErrorAccuracy at Full Scale
2-year Calibration Interval

(23 °C ± 5 °C)

±0.09% ±2.0 mA ±4.7 mA

(0 °C to 55 °C)

±0.39% ±6.2 mA ±17.9 mA
10-year Calibration Interval

(23 °C ± 5 °C)

±0.13% ±2.9 mA ±6.8 mA

(0 °C to 55 °C)

±0.45% ±8.2 mA ±21.7 mA


Table 5. Current Measurement Accuracy
Measurement ConditionsGain ErrorOffset ErrorAccuracy at Full Scale
2-year Calibration Interval

(23 °C ± 5 °C)

±0.09% ±1.8 mA ±4.5 mA

(0 °C to 55 °C)

±0.38% ±6.1 mA ±17.5 mA
10-year Calibration Interval

(23 °C ± 5 °C)

±0.12% ±2.7 mA ±6.3 mA

(0 °C to 55 °C)

±0.44% ±8.1 mA ±21.3 mA

Table 5. rogramming and Measurement Accuracy Drift
SpecificationGain DriftOffset Drift
Voltage Programming & Measurement ±7 ppm/°C ±30 µV/°C
Current Programming & Measurement ±45 ppm/°C ±30 µA/°C

Programming and Measurement Resolution

Table 6. Programming and Measurement Resolution
Voltage programming 1.6 mV
Voltage measurement 400 µV
Current programming 900 µA
Current measurement 210 µA

Load Regulation


Device configured for local sense[2]

±3 mV per A of output load change

Device configured for remote sense[3]

±5.6 mV per A for 333 mΩ lead drop resistance

±16.8 mV per A for 1 Ω lead drop resistance


Device configured for local sense

Load regulation effect is included in current programming and measurement accuracy specifications

Device configured for remote sense

Load regulation effect is included in current programming and measurement accuracy specifications

Voltage Output Speed

Rise time (measured from 10% to 90% of programmed voltage change from 0 V to 6 V with specified load)

Full resistive load (2 Ω)

< 1 ms, with 3 A programmed current limit

No load

< 1 ms, with 3 A programmed current limit

< 15 ms, with 0.03 A programmed current limit

Fall time (measured from 90% to 10% of programmed voltage change from 6 V to 0 V with specified load)

Full resistive load (2 Ω)

< 1 ms, with 3 A programmed current limit

No load

< 55 ms, with 0.03 A to 3 A programmed current limit

Settling Time

Rise time (time to settle within ±0.3 V of final programmed voltage level from 0 V to 6 V with specified load)

Full resistive load (2 Ω)

< 1 ms, with 3 A programmed current limit

No load

< 1 ms, with 3A programmed current limit

< 20 ms, with 0.03 A programmed current limit

Fall time (time to settle within ±0.3 V of final programmed voltage level from 6 V to 0 V with specified load)

Full resistive load (2 Ω)

< 5 ms, with 3 A programmed current limit

No load

< 100 ms, with 0.03 A to 3 A programmed current limit

Remote Sense

Maximum total output lead drop

Up to 1 V

Maximum total output lead resistance

Up to 1 Ω

Transient Response

Device configured for local sense[4]
For load current step between 10% to 90% of 3 A current range

With any capacitive load between 10 µF to 450 µF

< ±60 mV overshoot value

< 50 µs to recover within ±50 mV of its final programmed voltage level

Device configured for remote sense[5][6]
For load current step between 25% to 75% of 3A current range

150 mΩ total lead resistance and minimum of 47 µF capacitive load

< ±300 mV overshoot value

< 1 ms to recover within ±50 mV of its final programmed voltage level

333 mΩ total lead resistance and minimum of 150 µF capacitive load

< ±300 mV overshoot value

< 1 ms to recover within ±50mV of its final programmed voltage level

For load current step between 25% to 75% of 1A load current

1 Ω total lead resistance and minimum of 22 µF capacitive load

< ±300 mV overshoot value

< 1 ms to recover within ±50 mV of its final programmed voltage level

Notice : A minimum of 10 µF capacitive load is recommended for output stability purpose.

Refer to each cable type below for the total lead resistance and inductance (across total output leads with 10 pins on each lead).

R37-37 Ribbon Cable (NI part numbers 779195-01, 779195-0R5, or 779195-0R25)

Total lead resistance

50 mΩ per meter

Total lead inductance

0.9 µH per meter

SH37F-37M DSUB Shielded Cable (NI part numbers 778621-01 or 778621-02)

Total lead resistance

30 mΩ per meter

Total lead inductance

0.3 µH per meter

Ripple and Noise

Output Voltage[7]


4.7 mV


0.7 mV

Voltage Measurement


3 mV


0.5 mV

Current Measurement


3 mA


0.5 mA

Measurement Timing Characteristics

Maximum measurement rate

10 kS/s

Auxiliary Power Supply (Vaux)

Voltage input range

11 V to 28 V


Front IO connector or backplane power connector


Output channel protection


±30 V

Reverse voltage

Protected by sensing circuit to disconnect output. Output automatically disabled.


Output automatically disabled

Constant current limit range[10]

30 mA to 3 A

Remote sense miswiring

Automatic switch to local sense mode

Auxiliary power input protection

Voltage out of range

Output automatically disabled

Overcurrent or reverse voltage




Notice : Do not insert more than two power supply modules into single backplane with maximum power output to avoid excess temperatures that automatically disable output.

Power Requirement

Power consumption from backplane Vsup

0.9 W, maximum

Power consumption from Vaux[11]

29.0 W, maximum

Thermal dissipation

11.9 W, maximum

Physical Characteristics


53.3 g (1.88 oz)

Environmental Characteristics



0 °C to 55 °C


-40 °C to 71 °C



10% to 90%, noncondensing


5% to 95%, noncondensing

Pollution Degree


Maximum altitude

2,000 m

Shock and Vibration

Operating vibration

5 Hz to 500 Hz, 0.3 g RMS

Non-operating vibration

5 Hz to 500 Hz, 2.4 g RMS

Operating shock

30 g, half-sine, 11 ms pulse

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