Module tactile couleur 4.3" 480 x 272 : DPP-CT4827 Agrandir l'image

Module tactile couleur 4.3" 480 x 272 : DPP-CT4827 | DEMMEL

Single 5 volt (optional 3V3) power supply USB port RS-232 port with 3.3 volts I2C port and SPI port 32 MByte flash-memory for user-data Controls up to 16 digital outputs Controls up to 16 digital inputs 4 analog inputs with 10-bit resolution Controls 2 relays or speaker/buzzer, PWM output...

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  • Single 5 volt (optional 3V3) power supply
  • USB port
  • RS-232 port with 3.3 volts
  • I2C port and SPI port
  • 32 MByte flash-memory for user-data
  • Controls up to 16 digital outputs
  • Controls up to 16 digital inputs
  • 4 analog inputs with 10-bit resolution
  • Controls 2 relays or speaker/buzzer, PWM output
  • Controls a keyboard-matrix with up to 128 keys
  • 8 MByte RAM for screen save/restore
  • Real-time clock with battery backup
  • MicroSD card holder on board

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