Module display embedded system : BEGV629M Agrandir l'image

Module display embedded system : BEGV629M | BOLYMIN

High performance, Low power PIC 16-bit microprocessor Built in 64KB ISP Flash memory/8KB SRAM On board updateable 64KB EEPROM(128KB option) 1 x RS-485/422/232,1 x RS-232 Corrent consumption 150mA 128 x 64 monochrome OLED On-chip power-on reset(POR) and programmable watchdog reset...

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  • High performance, Low power PIC 16-bit microprocessor
  • Built in 64KB ISP Flash memory/8KB SRAM
  • On board updateable 64KB EEPROM(128KB option)
  • 1 x RS-485/422/232,1 x RS-232
  • Corrent consumption 150mA
  • 128 x 64 monochrome OLED
  • On-chip power-on reset(POR) and programmable watchdog reset
  • Comprehensive set of development tools and application notes for self programming.
  • RS-485/422/232 driver, I2C EEPROM Driver, OLED dreiver and utility are supported.
  • Dimension (W x H x D) : 75 x 52.7 x 12.3mm

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